GYR-approved means quality parts you can count on, available when you need them and at a competitive price. From our rigorously tested OEM parts to our vast selection of parts and accessories for most makes and models of lift trucks, you can count on your authorized GYR® Dealer to keep your lift truck fleet running efficiently and cost effectively.



With more than 3 million parts inventory, GYR Customer Portal offering convenient online access to all parts and products and a choice of shipping solutions, your GYR® dealer can get you the right parts when you need them. 

*Contact your local authorized GYR® Dealer for details.



Providing our customers with the right price and the lowest cost of ownership is important to us. So we work hard to ensure our parts stay competitively priced. The outcome is high quality GYR®-approved OEM parts with a potentially longer service life and less chance of failure.



Our full line of remanufactured parts meets the same strict quality standards as new parts, and is covered by our standard UNISOURCE™ limited warranty – all of which leads to value. Remanufactured parts include alternators, starters, engines, transmissions, electric motors and more. Contact your GYR® dealer for a complete listing of all available remanufactured parts.



A key driver for productivity in electric lift trucks is chosing the right motive battery. Lift truck owners have a wide variety of electric power choices available today, from high frequency to maintenance free to fast charge solutions. Contact your GYR® dealer today to discuss your options.



Accessory offering includes an extensive list of products commonly used to support routine plant maintenance, safety and special materials handling needs, including lights, seats, mirrors, lift truck cabs, impact monitors, forks – to name just a few.



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